THE DAVID AND JAYNE PATERSON SCHOLARSHIP 2025-2026Two Scholarships will be available for graduates of the China University of Political Science and Law to study for one of the following courses at the University of Oxford: MJur, BA in Jurisprudence, MSc in Law and Finance, MPhil in Law, or DPhil in Law.
Our Mission
The David and Jayne Paterson Educational Trust was established in the belief that education is the most efficient method of improving the welfare of all countries and all families. The basis of all human improvement begins with education. The Trust, which is established for the promotion of education, contributes to this belief by providing scholarships to study at UK Universities or other educational institutions. In particular, the Trust provides financial assistance to students from the People’s Republic of China who wish to study law overseas and who intend to return to the PRC to teach or practise Law. Currently the Trust provides students with scholarships to study for one of the following courses at the University of Oxford: MJur, BA in Jurisprudence, MSc Law and Finance, MPhil in Law or DPhil in Law.
Objectives of the Trust
David and Jayne Paterson established the Trust whose objectives are:
Donations and Funding
The Trustees recognise that the objectives of the Trust are dependent on the amount of funding available. It has been very encouraging that the Department of Law at Oxford has, over the past two years, so generously increased the value of the scholarships by providing £15,000 for each scholarship awarded by the Trust. It is hoped these funds will continue to be provided in the future.
The Trust has now been granting scholarships since 1998 - a full 26 years in scholarships and contributions to summer school programs. It has always been hoped that additional funds could be raised from third parties and the Trustees are hopeful that past scholars may be able to provide funds themselves or will introduce potential donors to help the Trustees in their objectives.
It has, therefore, been most encouraging that one former scholar during the past year has generously made an appreciable donation to the Trust in furtherance of its objectives.
The Trustees would be delighted to hear from former scholars, and others, if they consider they may be able to introduce potential donors.
Contact Information
We are very interested to hear from other people and organisations who and which are interested in our objectives. Feedback Page
Email: [email protected]
The David and Jayne Paterson Educational Trust was established in the belief that education is the most efficient method of improving the welfare of all countries and all families. The basis of all human improvement begins with education. The Trust, which is established for the promotion of education, contributes to this belief by providing scholarships to study at UK Universities or other educational institutions. In particular, the Trust provides financial assistance to students from the People’s Republic of China who wish to study law overseas and who intend to return to the PRC to teach or practise Law. Currently the Trust provides students with scholarships to study for one of the following courses at the University of Oxford: MJur, BA in Jurisprudence, MSc Law and Finance, MPhil in Law or DPhil in Law.
Objectives of the Trust
David and Jayne Paterson established the Trust whose objectives are:
- the promotion of education
- the promotion of the study of law
- the awarding of scholarships and bursaries at any UK educational institution approved by the Trustees to residents in the People’s Republic of China to enable them to study law
- to help and encourage others to establish their own Educational Trusts
- to encourage and promote the political and financial independence of the highest quality UK Universities
- to promote the importance of education as being the most beneficial form of aid to third world countries.
Donations and Funding
The Trustees recognise that the objectives of the Trust are dependent on the amount of funding available. It has been very encouraging that the Department of Law at Oxford has, over the past two years, so generously increased the value of the scholarships by providing £15,000 for each scholarship awarded by the Trust. It is hoped these funds will continue to be provided in the future.
The Trust has now been granting scholarships since 1998 - a full 26 years in scholarships and contributions to summer school programs. It has always been hoped that additional funds could be raised from third parties and the Trustees are hopeful that past scholars may be able to provide funds themselves or will introduce potential donors to help the Trustees in their objectives.
It has, therefore, been most encouraging that one former scholar during the past year has generously made an appreciable donation to the Trust in furtherance of its objectives.
The Trustees would be delighted to hear from former scholars, and others, if they consider they may be able to introduce potential donors.
Contact Information
We are very interested to hear from other people and organisations who and which are interested in our objectives. Feedback Page
Email: [email protected]